Mini-Class on Voicing with B72 now available free of charge! Copy Link below:
Free Mini-Class on Voicing with B72
As professionals, we are asked to supply expert information about the condition of vintage pianos, especially about the soundboards, bridge caps and pin blocks. Training in these areas has been difficult to obtain, but our new comprehensive online courses will teach you everything you need to know.
The Soundboard Course:
Don’t spend your career in the dark about soundboards only to find yourself uninformed when it’s time to advise your customer about rebuilding. Be a hero by giving them accurate advice the first time you visit the piano.
Taking the course is easy and fun! 1. We guide you every step of the way. 2. You go at your own pace. 3. No Shop? Take the course without assignments. 4. Already a rebuilder? Go for certification and become an expert!
This self-paced hands-on process unlocks skills you didn’t know you had and will revolutionize your understanding of how soundboards work. We coach you through everything you need using video tutorials and one-on-one evaluations. You will learn the fundamentals by working with your hands to build a practice soundboard from scratch using tools from your garage and cheap plywood.
With these skills, you will be prepared to better evaluate existing soundboards, help your client select a quality rebuilder; or start building and designing your own boards. You will literally use these skills every day, for the rest of your career!
We are different from a video. For the first time, the same instructional design used in college courses is being applied to piano technology. The addition of hands-on assignments using the practice jig makes this a program that develops hand-skills along with the theory. It has been described as “the future of training in piano technology…..Visionary!”
Soundboard Promo-v3 from Virginia Gorlinski on Vimeo.
Sign up for this new online course to learn everything you need to know about soundboards.
$400 – Sign Up Now
Simply fill out the contact form at the top of the page and you will be on your way!
Become a Bridge Capping Expert
The companion course is all about bridge capping. A new bridge cap goes along with a new soundboard. That’s how we set the optimal down bearing. This course covers all the steps, from removal of the old bridge, to drilling and notching the new cap.
Sample of Bridge Capping Class
Sign up for this new online course to learn everything you need to know about bridge capping.
Buy the Entire Course $400 – Sign Up Now
Simply fill out the contact form below and you will be on your way!
Upon completion of the two classes, the students will have the option of traveling to the workshop of a participating rebuilder for several days of actually work on a piano. So far, there are three shops in the USA, and we hope to find others around the world. These are well known master rebuilders, and we will be joining together to provide the certification for those who complete the program.