“You know, when a person learns to tune a piano, that’s not the end of education. Learning more things as you go along, attending as many conferences as you can, and finding people to help guide you along will transform your career.“
– Ken Eschete, RPT | Piano Technicians Journal (June 2020)
Please navigate your way to our available classes by clicking through the links below. Thank you!
Tuning the Same Row Unisons by Ken Eschete
Bellyman Certification Program
Epoxy Consolidation: An Alternative Method for Restoring Piano Pin Blocks by Ken Eschete (FREE)
Principles of Piano Conservation by John R. Watson (FREE)
Spokane piano restorer Ken Eschete touches keys of history from Lincoln’s grand to Eleanor Roosevelt’s Steinway by Treva Lind | Spokesman Review 27 June 2021
Eleanor Roosevelt’s Piano to Return Home by NPS News Release